
Color your world in the delight of Cosclay® DECO.

Specially formulated for traditional polymer clay techniques like caning, makume gane and color blending. Choose from Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Green, Violet, Black, and White, as DECO’s richness and vibrancy brings your sculptures to life.

As with all Cosclay grades, our DECO line has high green strength, blends with ease, will not sag in the oven and has minimal color shift.

Front “Eye Butterfly” by Vanessa Bibs Lovelypam

Back “Killer Goldfish” by Sean Cason

What’s the difference between DOLL, DECO, and SCULPT?

The main differences between the 3 lines are color and density. DOLL is available in 8 colors geared toward one of a kind (OOAK) artists and dollmakers and comes in Soft, Medium Firm, & Extra Firm. SCULPT is designed for sculptors and model makers, has a Mid-tone Gray color and comes in Soft, Medium Firm, & Extra Firm. DECO is available in 8 vibrant colors and lends itself well to traditional polymer clay techniques and decorative elements. The density is right in between Soft & Medium Firm. All three lines are made fresh every few weeks and are easily condition-able right out of the package.