⭐Cosclayer Spotlight: Bibs Lovelypam⭐

Vanessa Taurin is best known as polymer pop surrealist bibslovelypam on Instagram. She says: "I like to think that the artist is there to convey an emotion. It does not matter which one, whatever the means used, but when we look at art, it must speak to us, all in silence, but in us, it speaks all. In any case, I hope art is an escape. For me, it is. "

What got you interested in sculpting?

Vanessa: As a child, I was always drawn to the need to create things. What attracts me is really being able to imagine something, and being able to have it in my hands once created. The feeling of bringing an idea to life. Sculpture for me is more than a passion, it's a drug. It is a need.

How long have you been sculpting your whimsical creations for?

Vanessa: Even if I always had the soul of a creator, and the desire to be an artist, I must say that the passion for sculpture, and art came to me quite late. It was only in 2014, that I first touched clay and since then I have never left it.

What inspires you?

Vanessa: My inspirations have evolved a lot over the years, when I started, I must say that I created a lot of "cute" things. My art has been much more pop-surreal since then. I'm much more inspired by the strange, the surreal, the bizarre, even if I like to think that in a certain way my art remains also cute, "cute-strange".

What are some of your most important tools for creating your sculptures? Is there something you can't live without in your studio?

Vanessa: I have tons of tools!!! But in the end, it's true that I only use very little ;) I mainly use a spoon-shaped tool, which allows me to sculpt but also to smooth the clay. I'm also addicted to peepers, I have them in all sizes and I think I use them all! In my studio, I obviously can't do without my Cosclay, which I've been using exclusively for several years now, but also my smoothing products, I'm addicted to them!
As far as my studio is concerned, I must admit that it has recently become a child's room and that I have moved all my sculpture equipment to a corner of my living room. I hope one day to have the opportunity to have a studio just for me.

Which Line (Doll, Sculpt, Deco) and colors of Cosclay are you using and why?

Vanessa: I mainly use a Line Doll, I'm in love with it! But I'm also starting to love Deco, because I like its bright colors, which are perfect for giving life to my butterflies. And of which I am so proud to appear on the packaging :)

How has the inclusion of Cosclay into your artistic tool belt aided your creative process?

Vanessa: Omg! It changed my life as an artist, it made my art take a big turn. It was THE REVELATION. Because I no longer was blocked by the fragility of the clay. I was able to let my ideas come true without telling myself, it will be too fragile, it will break. Especially for my butterflies, this would not have been possible without the flexibility of the Cosclay. When I have an idea, I can realize it without fear, I have confidence in the flexibility and solidity, which was not the case before, when I tested a lot of clay and where I had real disappointment, because my creations were far too fragile.

Where can I see more of your work? (social medias or website)


All images provided by and used with permission of the artists ©2021

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