⭐Cosclayer Spotlight: Svetlana Matveeva⭐

Svetlana Matveeva is a mixed media artist with a passion for fantasy worlds behind HandmadeHome. Using polymer clay and crystallization processes, she combines nature, chemistry, and fantasy to sculpt dreamy beings from another dimension. The Unknown, which is very close but still not discovered, is reflected in Svetlana’s work.

What got you interested in sculpting?

Svetlana: That was a gradual process. I have always looked for better ways to implement my ideas. I practiced various approaches. Over time I found out that sculpting is a great language for telling my story. I make mixed media  art – sculpting is the essential part of it.  Polymer clay sculpting is a very detailed and pliable language and my ideas get a clear reflection. It gives my fantasy world an opportunity to interact more deeply –  to be heard and understood in the world of humans.

How long have you been sculpting your whimsical creations for?

Svetlana: I was interested in creating for as long as I can remember. I experimented with various mediums and materials during my life. For example, I  used to create glass mosaic sculptures. I turned to polymer clay much later, and have been sculpting with it for ten years.

What inspires you?

Svetlana: I have always been mesmerized by the mystery of nature in our reality. Our tiny planet in the endless space and here we are. Humanity has been always attempting to look behind a closed door. I couldn't find anything more mysterious on this planet than imagination and nature. Maybe these are the very threads that can lead us to the origins of reality? Nature and fairytale worlds are endlessly inspirational to my art; the natural world fascinates me. The diversity of shapes and textures seen in plants simply amazes me. My little fantasy world is trying to slightly open a magical door to another dimension. I hope that my work allows a bit of fresh air into the daily routine of mankind.

What are some of your most important tools for creating your sculptures? Is there something you can't live without in your studio?

Svetlana: I like to use unusual things to sculpt with.  My most important sculpting tool is an old knitting needle. I really worry that I might accidentally lose it because I never could find another as good as this one; probably because it is a wise old needle :) I also use some manicure tools, and I really like toothpicks among other sewing needles. Of course I use traditional sculpting tool as well, but not so often. Polymer Clay Molds are also a special category that I can't do without.

“For me, Cosclay means sculpting with endless possibilities. This is a freedom of creativity.”

Which Line (Doll, Sculpt, Deco) and colors of Cosclay are you using and why?

Svetlana: Each Line has it’s own special role in my fantasy world. I choose a certain one depending on a certain element. The SCULPT Line is great for the main shape. I love how it behaves during the sculpting process. It's not sticky, takes shape very clearly, and keeps it well. The DOLL Line is ideal for delicate details like flower stems and leaves. I find it more flexible and soft. For petals, I prefer the DECO Line. The White color is my favorite as I can easily paint over it.

How has the inclusion of Cosclay into your artistic tool belt aided your creative process?

Svetlana: Cosclay became a magic wand for my fantasy world. With Cosclay, I can sculpt things exactly as I see them in my mind – that’s the most important aspect to me. It's the material which always follows your imagination, not the other way. You don't need to compromise because of the limited features of material.

  I've tried many kinds of polymer clay before I started using Cosclay. I always used to face the same issues creating stems, petals, wings and other delicate elements – all of them were too fragile and breakable. Because of this, I often had to abandon the original design making details coarser or replacing them completely.


With Cosclay, all my tiny and delicate elements are extremely flexible; no matter how thin they are, they will never break. Leaves, stems, petals... whatever. I'm so happy that I finally can grow a rich flora on my sculptures. Cosclay keeps its shape while baking very well; elements don't sag. It's an extremely important characteristic when you start to add lots of delicate details.


Cosclay Liquid Mediums expands my possibilities, which makes sense for an indefatigable experimenter like myself! I can adapt my art process for a wide range of tasks. I know that I can always find a specific answer when combining Cosclay with Liquid Mediums. It's like a fine-tuning option on your control panel – you can adjust the materials according to your needs. I make flexible super detailed molds by combining Cosclay with C1 Separator. Thanks to C1, molds can be taken apart like a lego after they were baked as a whole. You can even easily build one element into another, keeping them mutually movable. This is an awesome way to create connections like ball joints and bearings. (Editor’s Note: Svetlana was the one who originally suggested C1 Separator as a product! Kudos -Alex)


For me Cosclay means sculpting with endless possibilities. This is a freedom of creativity.

Where can I see more of your work? (social medias or website)

Website: www.HandmadeHome.me

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/handmadehome

 FB: https://www.facebook.com/SvetlanasHandmadeHome

All images provided by and used with permission of the artists ©2023

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